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Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:39 am


Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:14 pm
by Hazard

Ilityre Noyan.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:29 pm
by Old Lies Die Harder


Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:33 pm
by Chaoshawk

Ezra Murann and Vance Gravelle their Cyricist rule and the transition from Ezra to Vance in leading that and generating a lot of RP in the Underdark was a lot of fun and led to a lot of conflict and change at the time which I really appreciated.

Helen Lustar and Sol'vyr for the founding and start of the Erudite Arcanum when it first came into the game mechanically. There were a ton of fun people involved such as Sydney Harrow and May'riina that made it an awesome place as well as Uri and Gareth Trahern

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:45 am
by eddymakaveli

I don't think anyone can talk about Myon without talking about Karathas Morathil, in any contest of characters who've had an impact across the server.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:33 am
by Edens_Fall

Wow . . . OK, so there are so many great players and RPers I have learned from over the years. I wish I could remember and name them all, but of them the ones that stick in my mind most are:

Sydney Harrow, Ya'iil Siluhl, Mortenthir Varsius, and Aellowyn.

My interactions with these players and their PCs really helped shape my own style of RP.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:41 am
by GaryFromAU

Mokan Walvish, if you know you know.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:42 pm
by AdreannaDrea

Sandrhir Leonas
Salasker Dusk
Samir Lyons
Rhue del'Assandro
Justin Gaskell
Emilia Blackwood

They all left their mark in some way. Some of them still give me heartbreak 10+ years after whatever events unfolded.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:52 pm
by D4wN

Ilpharaeyl Xun'viir
Lavok Xun'viir
Sydney Harrow
Ya'iil Sulihl
Katernin Bersk
Ezekial Klennald
Derristan Barley

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:25 pm
by under northern star

From ages ago:

Oblodra Drak'aa
Valorie Slades

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:23 pm
by Watchful Glare

Ilphaeryl Xun'viir
Lavok Xun'viir
May'riina (Xun'viir)
Thomas Castemont
Lilith Vensurai
Ginny Rivorndir
Jhaamdath Xun'viir
Velkryn (The short drow bard)
Raewynn Fael'then
Maystra Xun'viir
Faeris Orthae (Xun'viir)

Off the top of my head, but certainly not all. All of those left their mark whether within their own personal sphere, where they were noticeable, or at large. Contributed to shaking things up or shook things up themselves. And did some inspired writing. In many cases, you'd heard of them, even if your characters never got to cross paths.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 8:39 am
by Fallout

I am old so I will toss such names:

Ghestald Blimth
First Xun'viir Matron
Katerin Bersk

....comes to my mind from the wide known (to me).

Now when i think of, its very hard to make a proper list, i know at least dozen names who made incredible things that had impact on even those who are mentioned, but without them being known, they werent in DM events, or even their actions got into module, but they created such RP that all of Arelith was somewhat affected by it.

Currently playing loremaster toon, and the list of Pcs that got into public knowledge is a bit different from the names we all put here. so what will remain as a heroic or mythic character only time can tell, like in real life "rulers" are mostly those. Its hard to even form the proper criteria.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:03 am
by Mythic

Ghestaldt Blimth
Falgrim Vintergard
Derristan Barley

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:46 am
by TavernRoleplayer

Emma Young
Konstantine Helbrecht

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:16 pm
by -XXX-

Elizabeth Eliphelet
Quintino Visconti
Sheng Zhao
Veritas Doplehaulserman

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:46 pm
by AstralUniverse

Vance Gravelle
Angela Amana
Rick Snyder

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 7:26 am
by Nurel

Disclaimer: I will leave out those of my list already mentioned, so if you are indeed a legend who interacted with me in game and are not listed, its only because other people mentioned your PC before my post :3

Durk Rotgrun
Falco Whisperwill
Gotriik Vintergard
Aila Vintergard
Naly Vintergard
Meriam Fuzzypaw
Miatza Cranstone
Sabastian Jasper
Kimli Schelen
Dorn Iron Anvil
Sai 'Spiritfarer'
Relds Matulral
Oak Mountainbrew
Olivia Van Graff

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:03 am
by Sundial

There are some PCs who stand as the archetype of certain concepts.

When I think of pirates, I think of Joron.
When I think of knights, I think of Gideon Croix and Nelehein.
When I think of monks, I think of Grendal Bloodwater and Amadeo.
When I think of artificers, I think of Odt Zorig-Gerel.
When I think of villains, I think of Jel, Ann Thrule, and Vippin.
When I think of tragic figures, I think of Matilde d'Soleil.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:15 am
by Kenji

Tyros Iaret the Banite Imperceptor
Edala Helder the Umberlant Dreadmistress

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:25 am
by Anomandaris

Sojourner has to be on the list as one of the most feared and pervasively powerful, influential villains to-date (assuming you believe there ever was a voidcult). :?

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:25 pm
by AddledPunster

Derristan Barley
Angela Amana
Theodore Helbrecht

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:31 am
by In Sorrow We Trust

Melkoth and Terkk
Godfrey and Erik Silverarms
Oblodra Drak'aa
Ragnar Lyonson
Galen the assassin
Sandrhir, forgot his last name in the moment
Katernin Bersk

edit: and all the ones Grumpy listed

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:42 am
by Oxtail_Soup

These include some very old ones...
Grendal Bloodwater
Erik Silverarms
Ayin Mesmer
Sandrhir Leonas
Amadeo Pneuma
Lexi (Benwick - have seen others of same name over the years)
Meegat (the tree bearing her name only just went from the server in the last year!)
Rarylduil Forlindel

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:04 am
by Airport Proximity Jesus

Everyone who I am going to add has already been added. But as someone who has played for a while now, I've got a list.

There are those who aren't on this list who are legendary figures in their own right who I just never interacted with, or am momentarily forgetting.

Dexter Moonfall
That one banite who ran with us, a cavalier, and... Aellowyn? Player's name was Red at the time.
Our secrets, I keep safe. In Her name!
Burin, absolutely the best archdruid PC I have ever seen. I know there have been others, and others who were very good at it, but when I meet an archdruid, it will be Burin I compare them to.
Tyne - best fairy I've ever seen. I have, of course, seen others of incredible quality, but she took the cake.
Sydney Harrow/Moira Krauss, quite possibly the most fascinating and storied character I have ever interacted with and I have always wanted to know more about this character's history. Duplicitous, conniving, selfish, perhaps even a little cowardly and easily disgusted- though I believe the player rp'd these as emotional weaknesses they hid very well, which is an incredibly thin line to walk.
Vance Gravelle - I genuinely believe his character was trying to redeem himself, and I had rp'd with him on three seperate characters, seeing him at his most revoltingly evil. Absolutely exceptional character arc.
Red ropes in general. Fire walk with he.
Dante Evermoore? His tenure as big hoss on sencliff was probably the most threatening and terrible the cliff has ever been in my memory.
John Salamander - a huge part of why I grew to love playing Vrael Olo, who are now perhaps my favorite race in faerun. Also your Orog was a hyperchad, too.
Roselyn Kingsley - Similar reasons
Jhaamdath Xun'viir - My brother, my captain, my king.
May'riina Shri'ista/Xun'viir - I can't even put into words how I feel about this character. If I have to picture a non matron, female drow in my head, it's probably gonna get compared to her.
Lavok Xun'viir - will forever inspire how I play my own male drow, if I ever end up playing one long term.
Zathlan - Also tough to put into words. You made old Myon's final years amazing. And plenty before that I am certain. Despite being personally responsible for some of the scars covering your character, it was difficult to stand in your presence.
Derristan Barley
Mayor of Guldorand, adopter of tieflings. I forget your name, but not your spirit.
Rhaeg - I have never before or since seen as sublimely played a moral revolutionary standing against the fundamentals of gameplay in a video game done so well that it made me feel guilty for killing arcane tower dropouts.
Sarah Goodman. I know what you are.
Angela Amana - I've never met a wizard rper I liked on merits of their wizardry alone as much as yours.
Amadeo - telling my necromancer/pm that you were still in your mid 20s because you had ceased aging via being a monk to mock her constant experimentation on her own body was the most extreme and subtle power move I've ever seen anyone pull off via text, even if you didn't mean it that way.
Falgrim and Naly Vintergard. There's plenty of old Kuldarn peeps I want to put on this list, but it's definitely these two who take the cake for mythic tier.

There are so many truly incredible people I've rp'd with over the years I've been on arelith, and while I'd love to include more and bloat this list? The restriction of what I consider to be mythic movers and shakers must make an exclusive list.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:44 pm
by Nurel

wrong topic -_-

darn Im bad at using forums

But since I'm here I'll add

Holly Holtz