XBOX Problems...

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XBOX Problems...

Post by Mooooshi420 » Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:21 am

You know what is underrated and unnoticed? Playing this game on Xbox! Where all dah console players at??? We need some suggestions on how to make the experience on controller better! And we start by informing of the experience.... I'm talking the good and the bad (but mostly the bad) things about playing on xbox. (FYI me and my friends love this game to death this is not a bash but a plea to make an already perfect game just a little more perfect on console.)

Restricted Abilities: specifically classes that use customized spellbooks are very limited on console such as paladins, spellswords, and warlocks. Their spells do not work on console because of an update it never got. But why not give these classes their original non-custom spell casting that was offered in the basic nwn game. Or atleast something along those lines. It may not be as much as other players but I'd rather have a paladin with limited spell casting than none at all.

Northern Outskirts: This may not be known only on console.... but the Northern Outskirts of Cordor crashes the Xbox 9 times out of 10. Maybe my console sucks but someone let me know if the location is known to crash. (too much, man)

Connecting Issues: Among the many times the server may kick you off and / or the console fails to keep up.... some of these times the Arelith servers will not allow console players back on. It happens at the same time throughout many users for I have tested this with other console players and it seems that if one of us cannot log back on, none of us can. I think there are just unexplained periods of time in which Xbox is not allowed on the servers even though they are up and running.

Party Options: The mechanics on xbox for party options (such as Telling, Inviting / accepting invites) are terrible.... First of all, the only way I can find out how to Tell anyone anything is by going to the Player List and finding them everytime I want to send a Tell. It is easier if they are in your party because the tell option appears on their profile in the corner. However! Sometimes getting and sending invites do not work. The chat says you've received one but it doesn't show up. And most the options in the Player List (such as join party) are grayed out. The chat is so messed up tbh you can't send tells with typed commands... Tell should be an option when you right click on players.

Interface Settings: We need more options in the "options". Basically your choices are make everything tiny or make everything huge. We need an in between, trust.

Random Hostilities: Again, this may not be a console related issue, but in some cases you'll load into an area and notice someone is highlighted red like an enemy. There are 2 versions of this... one is where a Player will be hostile with you and not even realize it. The other version is a regular NPC for example, Endy in Bendir is regularly hostile with me. This can be fixed by reloading into the area but is hardly worth it because of the high risk of crashing. (xbox is too fragile for this game lol)

UUUUMMMM.... I can't think of anything else but respond how you will! I'm still quite a noob so let me have it! Any console players who can bring up more relatable experiences are appreciated!

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by MissEvelyn » Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:43 pm

I think this post serves as an excellent reminder to be patient with people who are typing, as there are people out there Roleplaying with a console and a controller 😊

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by The Rambling Midget » Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:47 am

Mooooshi420 wrote:
Tue Nov 08, 2022 5:21 am
Northern Outskirts: This may not be known only on console.... but the Northern Outskirts of Cordor crashes the Xbox 9 times out of 10. Maybe my console sucks but someone let me know if the location is known to crash. (too much, man)
This one's not just you. I'm on a ridiculously overpowered PC, and Northern Outskirts still crashes me about half of the time. The Nomad is almost as bad.
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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by Richrd » Wed Nov 09, 2022 1:10 pm

Cynicism with a lot of personal views incoming.

I think at this point it's fair to say that NWN was only re-released to consoles as a cash grab so Beamdog could have some extra funds. How this even made it past QA is a mystery to me. The game clearly wasn't playtested properly before it got pushed onto those markets.

Frankly, if you want to play this game you'd probably be far better off buying some old gaming rig from 10 years ago as I think it's likely to run NWN better than any modern rig. The game is just not being updated and optimized anymore.

Now here's some facts. Even if you go to their official website and to the NWN section you will find barely any responses to posts reporting technical difficulties with the game. And even if there are responses they are mostly just by moderators who'll appease the community by giving a sample text reply but in the end nothing seems to be done about it.

Wonder how long it'll take for the Enhanced Edition to be picked up by GOG and re-re-released there.

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by Mooooshi420 » Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:29 am

Something to add to this list PVP is impossible!!! By the time you're able to go hostile with anyone the fight has begun! Getting robbed alot because i dont even notice that the hostility is on. And during a siege by many underdark characters in cordor it was sooooo sooo unbelievably laggy....

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by MissEvelyn » Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:06 am

Mooooshi420 wrote:
Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:29 am
Something to add to this list PVP is impossible!!! By the time you're able to go hostile with anyone the fight has begun! Getting robbed alot because i dont even notice that the hostility is on. And during a siege by many underdark characters in cordor it was sooooo sooo unbelievably laggy....
Imagine if Arelith made console players immune to PvP. They can't PvP others, but they also can't be killed by players. Sounds fun to me 🤭

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by Mooooshi420 » Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:08 pm

so im realizing that any spell that isnt standard for NWN (arelith made up spells) crashes xboxes/ console. Any wizard or sorcerer in my group will kick me off by casting redbolt and cromson lightning and stuff. This is a major bug that needs to be priority on fixing because it basically renders mages a useless choice to team up with because of constant crashing from spells.

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by garrbear758 » Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:41 am

Considering the game hasn't been updated in over a year, and the next update being worked on is a community update by volunteers, I highly doubt things are going to change for consoles. The Arelith team can't really do anything about it as far as I'm aware.
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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by Regnant Phoenix » Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:45 pm

I won't be surprised if Arelith eventually drops support for consoles completely. At this point, there's just a lot of extra work done/kept to maintain some ability for console players to continue playing. They don't have access to NUI, so any system that utilizes it (Tattoo, Clothing, Sailing map) they are either locked out of or have to have an alternative dialogue version maintained.

I don't suspect the console will ever get another update. Eventually, we'll probably hit a point where maintaining support for the handful of console players isn't possible or too difficult to maintain.

The last update Xbox received to my knowledge was on March 9th, 2020.

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by Mattamue » Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:51 pm

Who is the audience for this post?

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Re: XBOX Problems...

Post by Richrd » Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:35 am

NWN's re-release for consoles was a cash-grab and a mistake.

The development time spent making it run on the XBOX 1 and Playstation 4 could've been instead spent improving the game on PC. Like optimizing it for modern rigs instead of trying to make it run on inferior and less used platforms for a few easy sales. It was rushed out past quality assurance and has been left to rot there ever since.

Honestly don't understand why PotM and Arelith both even bothered with this. It should've been clear from the getgo that anyone playing on a console would have a hard time roleplaying. Especially with the exclusive treatment the two servers received it all seems very questionable. And at best it was misplaced faith that the Beamdog devs would actually not just go for the cash-grab routine.

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