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New Weapon: Cinder of the Hunt Mother

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:10 pm
by Dayuhan

I think the pending new weapon Cinder of the Hunt Mother spear should include the Druid class in the usable class list. Given the lore behind Hiatia - it seems Druids would be use just such a weapon.

Excerpts from Forgotten Realms Wiki on Haitea.

"Hiatea taught that nature was both creator and destroyer"

"There were the community priests ("priests of the steadings") who tended to agriculture and the raising, protection, and education of children, and there were the protector (or sentinel) priests who patrolled woodlands and forests and kept an eye on other races."

"All of Hiatea's clerics must be capable of surviving and hunting in the wilderness."

Re: New Weapon: Cinder of the Hunt Mother

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:48 pm
by Svrtr

So this was my bad. I had placed the basic requirements down as this with a footnote saying I think this would be a good weapon to have no requirements on. There was some miscommunication on my part and it seems there are no requirements on the weapon, and I had forgotten to double check if it had requirements when put in.

So approved because I did a dumb and it already has no requirements