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Change the Gond banned domains list

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:10 am
by Baronze

Currently the Gond deity table bans the domains of: Destruction, Magic, Storm. This is not in line with the actual lore on the deity, his church or their practices. For starters, both the church and the deity use arcane methods often:

Some in the church of Mystra oppose the Wonderbringer for holding technology over the Art, but in truth Gond views magic as simply another tool by which he can create new devices

In fact, Gond's avatar classes into wizard, more so then the other classes, and has access to wizard/bard spells. He also has the ability to create magic items at will.

Rogue 10/Wizard 12/Cleric 8/Bard 10

Create Magical Items: Gond can create any kind of magic item that does not involve only natural, unmodified components, as long as the item's market price does not exceed 200,000gp. (In other words he could create a suit of magic armor or a staff from a piece of worked wood, but not a pearl of power or a staff made from a piece of unworked wood.)

His portfolio covers the destructive power of engineering as well. This is reflected in one of the main ceremonies held by the church.

One strange practice of the faith requires that Gondar make two copies of any new machine or tool they discover, if possible. One copy is hidden away against the prying eyes of thieves or vandals for later display to fellow Gondar, and the other is smashed -or preferably, burned- as part of the Sacred Unmaking, a prayer of offering to Gond. This ceremony reinforces Gond's dominion over both constructive and destructive engineering.

All quotes from the Faiths and Pantheons 3.5e book. A few more notes in here could include the usage of magic during the creation of one of the most sought after church creations called smokepowder, and usage of other magical effects and wards for some of the artifacts/devices/prosthetics created by Gondars.