Wild Dwarves to speak Animal Language

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Wild Dwarves to speak Animal Language

Post by wulfburk » Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:06 pm

I think it is fitting that wild dwarves speak animal language from the get go, not only their rangers and druids.

After all in lore, their clerics (vuddor) lead their great hunts, and all of their kind are in touch with the wild, not only the rangers and druids.

All forest gnomes and gnolls speak animal as well, so there is also a precedent for this change.

Dogma: The jungle is the fullest expression of the earth, the wind, the sun, and the rains. Live in harmony with nature under the wise and benevolent protection of the Lord of the Jungle Deeps. Outsiders seek to pillage and destroy, and their unnatural ways bring misery. Like the great tigers of the jungle, be strong and wary of beasts, whether they walk on two legs or four. Seek to understand that which you do not, but be wary of bringing unknown gifts into your lair. Be one with nature-live neither against it nor apart from it. Honor the ways of your people, but assume not that Thard's way is the only way-just the best way for his children.
The way of Thard Harr which is followed by 100% of all the wild dwarves. So it is fitting, no?

Stratonike Silvbriga
Archamus Schelen
Demetrius Herhtov
