Non-Totem druid Versatility boost

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Non-Totem druid Versatility boost

Post by furryn » Wed Jul 11, 2018 2:16 pm


I'm playing a druid Currently, and have VERY dileberately chosen not to go Totem. There was no mechanical reason not to do so, If I am being honest, but rather one of RP interest. Every druid I see is a totem druid, and with good reason, they are awesome. Yet losing the ability to take the shape of different animals irks me when it comes to RP, and so i chose to stick with the standard druid, and since a few of the updates to the elemental shapes, i thought there might be a posibility for some changes to the animal shapes as well. Here are a few suggestions:

Badger: Make some barbarian similarities, the rage forexample could function like the barbarian rage, possibly with a level penalty.
Wolf: Could perhaps have knockdown, or some such as they have trip in D&D, and a movement bonus, they move at 50ft/round in D&D
Bear: Well, the bear shape is already pretty nice. But something for flavour would still be cool.
Panther: A nice boost to Hide/ms. Not full skill, but as to make it useful, with the posibility of adding a low sneak attack also.
Boar: Boars are pretty dangerous animals actually, and perhaps this one should have some added beefiness (some damagereduction against piercing, to simulate that they are hard to kill with arrows), or a bleed effect as it rips at it's foes with it's tusks.
- The need to utter the words "I'm not stupid" implies the opposite.
How do i know? Well, obviously because I'm not stupid.
