Post Box/Amazon Locker

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Post Box/Amazon Locker

Post by Chucky1234 » Fri May 25, 2018 5:00 am

Is there any way of introducing some kind of Amazon locker type system (hear me out!);

People crafting for others won't have to hold onto or sell on items they have had commissioned if they don't happen to meet online.

The speedy messengers could, perhaps, allow individual A to pay, for an inflated fee, to have an item or items stored with them which can then be picked up by individual B next time they log in (and maybe on login they receive a message from the speedy service similar to an email or an attempted delivery note through the door).

I'm sure there are people out there that have better ideas around this but I've fallen foul before of not meeting people online owing to odd working hours, time-zones and holidays/breaks from play.
