Cast and Conjure Save Slots

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Tathkar Eisgrim
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Cast and Conjure Save Slots

Post by Tathkar Eisgrim » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:14 pm

Currently, using -cast and -conjure allows visual spell effects to be repeated from the last spell source used. Please consider adding save slot functionality akin to -saveoutfit which would allow further roleplay of magical events without secretly casting a spell prior or quaffing a potion.


-Study player tool. Point and click at a scroll to record a spell visual effect into a slot under spell's name. Scroll is consumed. Small XP gain.* Limited uses per day.
-study [text] command line. Records last visual effect under name of [text]. Such recorded visual effects can be called repeatedly by *both* -conjure and cast without loss after use. No XP gain.

To include -study -r [text] and -study -d [text] rewrite and delete switches to delete -study and -Study player tool slots.

-cast and -conjure to be improved allowing repeated use by calling named save slot.

Such an expansion would allow greater freedom for hedge mage displays, magical ceremonies and illusionism. It would allow specialist demonstration of magic, "I know this spell intimately. I can cast the appearance of it at will."

* A small XP gain is suggested for the use of study on the basis: i) It might create a market for lesser scrolls to be traded & consumed for that little XP bump. ii) Might especially benefit lower levels in-between adventures and those roleplaying studious and educational behaviour. Note also anyone can "study" not just wizards -- it could easily represent cantrip level spell training.
