Polymorph Self for Non-Totem Druids

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Polymorph Self for Non-Totem Druids

Post by Griefmaker » Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:30 pm

Totem druids are pretty much superior to non-totem druids in every way, with one possible difference if one goes the EDR route. Otherwise they have -4 physical stats, which does not really matter much since they will be shifted when in danger, can polymorph at will into a significantly better wildshape that non-totems, still have access to all the elemental and dragon shapes, plus can get some nice bonuses as well.

The counter for that is that non-totems retain their stats (not too important, unless more caster druid...which you probably have to do if non-totem until the stronger elemental forms) and that non-totems have the strength of being more flexible due to the variety of shapes they can assume. Sadly, the truth is that their wildshapes in general are subpar or useless as compared to totem forms regardless. Plus they only can shift a limited number of times per rest for many levels.

But versatility still theoretically remains a non-totem druid's greatest strength, for which comes my suggestion.


Give non-totem druids the ability to cast the Polymorph Self spell, possibly around level 8 or 9.

How to accomplish this? It can be added in the radial menu or innate ability. If it could be tied to wildshape counter, so much the better, so that it cannot be used continuously and takes a wildshape "charge" to use.

The polymorph self shapes (which I still do not know why druids did not get this spell since polymorphing self is kind of their thing) are not super strong, but do have some interesting properties which can help lower-mid level non-druids have another option in their skillset to use. More versatility, which is a non-totem druid's strength!

Since this spell is turns/level, this can help with any possibility of this being too strong of an addition to non-totem druids...at least until they get unlimited wildshape, by which time I have no idea why they would not be using the elemental forms.

My suggestion was for this ability to come into play around level 8 or 9, sort of in the middle of the wildshape and greater wildshape feats, to help shore up the weaknesses in the earlier levels and have this ability offer a bit more use.
