Warlock's staff (carpenting suggestion)

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Warlock's staff (carpenting suggestion)

Post by ForgottenBhaal » Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:34 pm

Hello! With the new additions of all those staffs to crafting, I'd like to come with one of my own. One for warlocks.
As warlocks blast is based upon AB, and the weapon actually adds to it, I would like to suggest this for the staff:

Warlocks staff (magic staff)
+3 to AB
+3 to concentration
+3 to bluff/perform (as warlocks are based on the bard class..)
+1 to cha
And mages armor, 3 x/day. Mostly to make up for the fact that warlocks lack a mages armor spell of their own.

Suggested ingredients:
Alchemial catalyst
Magical creature blood
Garnet (Or a skull of a creature. Not sure if it can be implemented.)

Let me know what you think!
