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No Experience Gained from Killing

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:02 am
by Hadoukyun

I was doing some writ work with other players and noticed that there were no experience messages showing up in my chat logs. At first I thought it was just a UI bug and that the experience was still accumulating, but I started to observe my experience and noticed I was in fact getting no experience. I am lvl 12 on the Underdark server and was killing in Urae Slaenis when I noticed I was getting no exp. Even killing the queen gave nothing. My character was still receiving exp server ticks just fine and was still able to receive exp from turning the writ in but no matter what lvl mob or where I killed, I would get no exp from that.
I even logged onto another Underdark character and a Skal character and both those characters were able to receive exp from killing.
I have tried to relog as well as closing the whole game client multiple times with the same issue. Also my character was not sitting at a point of needing to level up. Character is currently 71k exp out of 78k exp

Steps to reproduce
No steps to reproduce as I have no clue how this happened in the first place.

Expected result
Experience given for mobs killed (even 1 exp if lvl gap is too big)

Actual result
No experience being gained from anything killed.


Misc Notes

Which Server(s)?

Gaming Platform(s)?

Re: No Experience Gained from Killing

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:01 am
by Jaren Vakuda

I also have this problem and was in this user's group. I cannot think of anything else to add. It wasn't UI related my XP on my character sheet was not ticking up killing mobs, except on a server tick.

Re: No Experience Gained from Killing

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:21 am
by Jaren Vakuda

Issue has been resolved with a server reset. I can gain exp off mobs now.